The 14 ways to find the best flight deals

Flight Savings

Book early or last minute: Sometimes, the best airfare deals can be found by booking far in advance or waiting until the last minute.

Ways to Get the Best Flight Deals, Cheap Airline Tickets, Cheap Flights, Discount Airfare.

Whether you are traveling on a family vacation or on a business trip, airline flight tickets are the costliest part of your travel, especially if you are traveling internationally.

Cheap Flights

Airline Flight tickets are usually one of the costliest parts of your family vacation or business trip, especially international trips. If you travel a lot for professional reasons or holidays, the best way to save is by cutting costs for your flight tickets which consume more than half of your entire trip’s budget. Expensive flight tickets cause you to choose a more affordable destination, spend less on your vacation or family get-together, or stay within your spending limit.

The first thing to know about finding a cheap flight ticket is that there is no magic bullet or secret recipe for doing so.

The best way to score a cheap flight is to Use flight comparison websites. Websites like Google Flights, Priceline, kayak, cheapflights, Expedia allow you to compare prices from multiple airlines and travel agencies.

Fare aggregators like Skyscanner and Momondo search multiple airlines and travel websites to find the best deals.

Best ways to save on flight tickets for your next trip!

Book early for cheap flights

Airline flight prices change so often that it’s hard for even the savviest traveler to tell if they’re getting the best deal on airline flights. Websites now use advanced Artificial Intelligence Price Prediction Algorithms and can quickly respond to variations resulting in frequent price changes.

Identify the cheapest days and destinations


There is no specific way to determine the cheapest days. On some routes, the fares are cheaper on weekdays, i.e., Mondays to Fridays, and expensive on weekends. But this is not a rule for every route.

Fly between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. or after 8 p.m. They are typically cheaper because most people do not want to fly at this time.

Instead of entering a specific date, you can search for the month and browse all dates to see which is the cheapest.

Many iPhone, Android, and computer apps let you set alerts for flights you want.

Be flexible about the date and time of Travel

Be flexible with your travel dates: Sometimes, the best deals can be found by being flexible with your travel dates. Try searching for flights on different days or times to see if any deals are available.

As air ticket prices continually fluctuate, you may get a cheaper flight closer to the day of departure. It’s always easy to find an inexpensive flight if one is flexible with the date and time of the travel.

Most seasoned travelers keep a dynamic range of 3 days for their travel dates. This helps you get the cheapest air tickets while not causing any major inconvenience on your travel plans.

Travel off-season

Traveling off-season is a good option for getting air tickets at cheaper rates.

Airlines always increase the prices of tickets strategically during the holidays and peak seasons. So try to book your ticket a month before the date of travel during peak season or opt to fly during the off-season.

Keep your searches secret

Airline Ticket

Many airline pricing sites respond dynamically to multiple searches from the same IP or computer, meaning your price can go up the second time you look. Everyone uses cookies to track the retail customer.

VPN provides online privacy and anonymity by allowing you to access a secure private network.

Some people use the incognito function in Google Chrome Browser for checking out airlines and dates in private browsing mode, as it resets your cookie usage every time you log in.

Consider booking a flight using another currency

Most Airline Ticket discounters want the ticket payment in the local currencies, but some travel websites let you pay through another currency.

Make sure you use a good credit card with no hidden charges or fees for foreign transactions. Some people use VPNs to hide their location during the airline booking process.

Search & compare: Don’t restrict yourself to one travel site

No one website will give the perfect airfare for your destination; you can either book from the airline carrier or use multiple flight portals for booking your airline tickets.

To find the cheapest flights, compare top websites like Google Flights, Momondo, Kayak, Expedia, Priceline, Orbitz, Agoda, Hotwire, and more.

Social Media Price Alerts

Follow airlines on social media: Many airlines announce their sales and promotions on their social media accounts.

Newsletters and price alerts are good measures of getting a cheap last-minute flight. Don’t forget to follow the various budget airlines on social media like Facebook to know their last-minute ticket sales or any discounts they come up with to fill the aircraft.

Be flexible about Booking from Nearby airports

Try different departure and arrival airports: Sometimes, the best deals can be found by flying into or out of a nearby airport or by using a connecting flight.

Budget airlines may not provide discounts to all the airports in a city, but you can save if you are flexible about choosing the airport near your starting destination.

Select budget airlines for traveling (No frills)

Budget airlines often offer flights at a lower cost, but be aware that they may not include baggage or meals in the fare.

A budget carrier or airline, or low-cost carrier as the name suggests, is an airline that tries to keep its airfares lower than its competitors. It usually does this by charging for premium services like food and drink on a flight. Examples of No frills airlines are Allegiant Air, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest Airlines and Spirit Airlines.

Book flights in bulk or book round trips

Booking flight tickets in bulk with the same airlines can be advantageous.

Save on expenditure by booking tickets in bulk on multi-city flights, either by using the exact airline or airlines belonging to the same alliance.

The highest cost of an airline ticket is during the Christmas and Summer Holidays.

Opt for Hidden City Ticketing

Always select a flight with your destination as a layover. One of the best hacks is picking a flight with a layover that’s your destination. The whole idea is you get off the plane in between and don’t continue to the final destination. The flights are frequently cheaper this way.

Book Non-refundable Air Tickets

If you are certain about the journey you will make, ensure to get non-refundable tickets because airlines keep the price of refundable tickets higher than the non-refundable ones.

Sign up for frequent flyer programs with airlines

Airlines have frequent flyers and other loyalty programs for customer retention.

Every time you travel using a specific airline, you are rewarded with points added to your account. You can redeem these points, avail of significant discounts, and sometimes even fly for free.

Sign up for email alerts: Many airlines and travel websites offer email alerts for flight deals, so you can be the first to know about sales and promotions.

Book Last-Minute Airline Tickets + Specials Benefits


Contrary to popular belief, booking airline tickets late is often cheaper!

If you are lucky enough, you can avail yourself of special last-minute airline ticket deals directly. However, this usually depends on customer demand and the route. Prices of airline tickets soar once the cheap tickets are sold out; at times, you could grab the last week deal and plan your upcoming trip to the available destination. Be adventurous!

Airlines try to maximize earnings on flight tickets and other services.

Not only is booking a seat expensive, but airlines will also try adding extra fares for anything from carry-on bags to food and water to more legroom seats or an additional fee to sit in the exit rows.

Whether flying a budget airline or choosing the lowest fare, you’ll often spend more than you intended.

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